Saturday, 4 July 2015

Metamorphosis Underway - 04/7/2015

My two daughters went to Chester Zoo with their Grandad today so my Wife and I enjoyed a pub lunch, a walk around a Garden Centre and then some quiet time relaxing in our back garden.

The tadpoles were making the most of the glorious afternoon sunshine, grazing on the grass cuttings which had blown into the pond this morning when I cut the lawn.  Some of them are starting to resemble froglets now, whilst others have only just grown their back legs. For some there is no metamorphosis at all just yet.

Here are few photos
to show their development:


  1. How wonderful to see, I think they look really cute at this stage.
    I wonder if it is some kind of strategy not to develop all at once, it will be interesting to see if some don't change.
    Amanda xx

    1. It's strange how they develop at different times when they all seemed to hatch at the same time. I suppose it's survival of the fittest at the end of the day.

  2. A great post with wonderful photos - so lovely to see the tadpoles developing :) Sometimes we've had a few tadpoles that don't seem to develop fully in the first year but take two. It will be interesting to see what happens with yours.

    1. Thanks Ragged Robin. Yes it will be interesting to see what happens.

  3. Brilliant photos and it'll be great to watch them develop :) I believe that tadpoles can actually decide when they want to change - I suppose dependent on conditions - so can remain tadpoles for a while and change at different times. I'm sure it was Chris Packham who taught me that, on springwatch or something a year or two ago, but equally I might have just dreamt it, hehe!

    1. Thanks Louise. I think I remember watching the Springwatch show you're referring too.

  4. The last shot is perfect. It is well worth the crop in the first. The first shot is less distracting.

    1. Thanks Adrian. It took many attempts to get a couple of decent enough images. I suppose I'm being lazy really as I could have used my other camera if I could be bothered to hunt out the polarising filter for it. That would have made for much better shots.

  5. Cool! This was what I was hoping to see with mine, but it was not to be. You got some great photos. :-)

  6. lovely photos, frog metamorphosis is so fascinating

    1. Thanks Crafty Green Poet, you're right it is fascinating.

  7. Wonderful photos, Ian and great to see the tadpoles/froglets - we had quite a bit of frog spawn in our pond but I've never seen any tadpoles or little froglets. Perhaps the newts got them all or maybe the starlings that all came down to bathe in the pond a few weeks ago:)

  8. Hope you are ok and just been on your jollies, the tadpoles might have moved on by your next post !
    Amanda xx

    1. Okay here thanks Amanda, been quite busy lately and will catch up on my fellow bloggers later this evening. Nearly all the tadpoles have developed into froglets now, you're right though some have moved on already!
